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School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Curtis Wiles

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Candidates who still wish to be included in providing voters with information can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29. 

Curtis Wiles, Anderson School Dist. 3, At-Large

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member?   

A.  The primary responsibility of a school board member is to work well, ethically and fully participate within the primary responsibilities of the board as a whole.  Those responsibilities include setting the vision and goals for the district, adopting policies that give our superintendent and her staff direction to set priorities and achieve those goals, hire and evaluate the superintendent, adopt and oversee the annual budget, and advocate on behalf of the district.    

B.  As a board trustee, I have been an active part of setting the vision and goals for Anderson 3 that has placed our district in the top 5 in the state academically.  Our district is led by Superintendent Kathy Hipp who is recognized as the SC Superintendent of the Year.  Our district continues to work within its budget and has a healthy fund balance for our future.   

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve? 

The three pressing issues facing Anderson 3 are the “COVID-19 gap”, teacher recruitment and   retention, and the population growth that is projected for Anderson 3. 

3. How would you resolve those issues? 

A.  Anderson 3 has done a great job bridging the gap left by the state mandated COVID-19 shutdowns.  I supported and voted to fund placing a Chromebook in each of our student’s hands and being one of the first of 10 districts statewide to implement eLearning for the district.  Anderson 3 students were in a much better position than the other 70+ school districts across the state that did not have the vision to implement this prior to the pandemic.  By having eLearning completely implemented, Anderson 3 was able to minimize the COVID-19 Shutdown gap; and, our district is the 5th ranked district academically.  And, every school in Anderson 3 received an “Excellent” or “Good” rating on the state report card.  This means every one of our schools either SUBSTANTIALLY EXCEEDED OR EXCEEDED the criteria to ensure ALL students meet the Profile of the SC Graduate.  

B. Teacher recruitment and retention should be addressed in two ways.  We must market our district for what it is, the best school district in the state! We will continue to have a presence in all the colleges in our state to recruit good teachers eager to start their careers in the best schools.  We must continue to make sure we are paying competitive salaries to our teachers and staff.  We must continue to approve policies that give teachers the tools to teach and have discipline in the classroom so that learning can be achieved. 

C. Anderson 3 must act now to be prepared for the projected population growth in our district.  This includes making sure the district is prepared financially to serve the larger population of students.  Being financially conservative now will allow the district to be better positioned to add classroom space to our district while reducing the tax burden for tax payers.    

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?

I have always had a great working relationship with our superintendent Mrs. Kathy Hipp.  She is committed to the vision and goals of the district; and, she has done a great job bringing that vision to reality.  If she and I were to have a difference in opinion, our relationship is such that we would freely discuss those differences and find common ground for the betterment of Anderson 3.  Likewise, I feel that I have always had a great working relationship with each of the board members that I have served with throughout the years.  Of course, there will always be differences of opinions on vision and goals because each of us come from a diverse background and bring our own experiences to the board.  I have always participated in debate with the board on every issue that has come up.  After the debate, each board member has their vote; and, I always support the will of the board. 

5. Have you served on boards/foundations? 

Boards that I have served on and currently serve as a member:

Starr Area Athletic Association, Past President – This organization serves the Starr area by providing recreational activities and team sports for the children living in the community.  Our area municipalities are not able to provide Recreation Departments, so, this organization and Iva Recreation serves an important role in our community by providing these opportunities.

Renaissance Academy (previously known as The Anderson County Alternative School), past Board Member – This organization serves all 5 Anderson County School districts by offering an alternative learning environment for kids that have trouble performing in middle and high schools.  The academy works with student in a higher disciplined environment to prepare them to be reunited with their previous school.   

Anderson Institute of Technology Liaison Board, Vice Chairman - This Board serves the Anderson Institute of Technology, a cooperative effort between Anderson 3, 4 and 5.  AIT has been described as a game changer for Anderson County Economic Development and for the students that have the opportunity to study there.  AIT has allowed Anderson 3 to go from offering only 5 Career and Technology Education programs (CATE programs) to being able to offer 26 CATE programs to Anderson 3 high school students.   

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate?  

My experience in business management, extensive knowledge of school funding procedures, being a parent/grandparent, and being a member of the board while Anderson 3 has achieved such great success, are some of the reasons I feel I am uniquely qualified to serve the Starr – Iva – Flat Rock Communities as their representative on the Anderson 3 Board of Trustees, At-Large.  My 40+ year experience in manufacturing and business management allows me to share important systems and procedures to incorporate into the vision and goals of Anderson 3.      

7. Describe your own educational journey and what role education has played in your life. How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life? 

My educational experience started in kindergarten at Flat Rock Baptist Church.  The public schools did not offer K-5 at that time, so, many of the community churches offered K-5 to the children in the community.  1st-12th I attended Anderson 3 schools.  (Starr Elementary, Starr-Iva Middle and Crescent High) After graduating high school, I received an Associate’s Degree in Industrial Technology from Tri-County Technical College.  I then earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from Limestone University. Each of these schools prepared me well for life.  And, I am committed to lifelong learning and have taken advantage of many opportunities for continuing education for school board members provided by the South Carolina School Board’s Association.  I make it a priority to always have a book to read that pertains to my career.   

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?

Maintaining competitive teacher salaries is very important.  It is a major part of the recruitment and retention strategy for any school district.  Districts are competing for teachers and if our district does not offer a competitive salary, it will not attract good teacher or retain the great teachers that we now have.  I believe the most important person to a child’s successful learning experience is the classroom teacher.  That’s why I collaborate with the Superintendent and her staff to make sure they do what is important for the classroom teacher by setting the vision and approving policies that keeps discipline in the classroom, and gives the teachers the tools they need to do their jobs well.  Anderson 3 has the best teachers in the state! 

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students? 

I would encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students by working with the superintendent to offer more STEAM programs and funding in our elementary and middle schools.  Anderson 3’s STEAM programs have been recognized internationally for their achievements.  The board should continue to support the superintendent and her staff in providing more Advanced Placement course for our high school students.  Anderson 3 has added several AP courses recently.  And, our district should continue to support the efforts of Anderson Institute of Technology that offers our high school students so many more Career and Technical Education programs.   

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person.

A. Curtis Wiles is a father of 2 and a grandfather of soon to be 3.  I am committed to continuing our success in Anderson 3 so that our community’s children and grandchildren will have excellent schools to attend.

B. Curtis Wiles is available.  I am available 24/7 to the citizens of Anderson 3.  

C. Curtis Wiles believes Anderson 3 is the best school district in the state of South Carolina!    

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