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School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Alison Youngblood

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Alison Youngblood, Anderson School Dist. 5 At-Large 

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member?  

To cast a vision, define a mission and steward both fiscal and human resources with a commitment to the people for the purpose of education. 

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve? 

1.  Educators should feel and know their value.  2. Students of all abilities should have the physical and human resources to a quality education and budgets should reflect the prioritization of learning, safe spaces, and adaptive learning environments.  3.  Attention to social determinants that effect our overall health score is a concern of mine, and drug prevention/use, suicide ideation, and mental/behavioral health issues should be addressed in our budget narrative.  

3. How would you resolve those issues?

I will resolve these issues by creating a culture of cooperation versus compliance, writing a budget narrative that supports a quality education for all students of all abilities, equipping teachers, support staff, parents and students with the tools and knowledge to identify risk factors, and implement policy as it relates to the whole health of students.   

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members? 

I will solve differences in goals and working with others who may have a different perspective by engaging our community for real world examples/solutions and presenting peer reviewed research as evidence to support positive outcomes related to an approach.  

5. Have you served on boards/foundations?

Yes!  Service is my love language!  I am the founding board member and have served with First Flight Alliance and Operation Active Kids for 12 years.  Additionally, I served with United Way of Anderson County as a Board member from 2017-2022 in the following roles - Chair of Young Philanthropist, Campaign Co-Chair, Campaign Chair, Chairman of the Board and Governance Chair. Also, for United Way of Anderson County, I served on the Executive Team, Finance Committee and Imagine Anderson Committee. I served on the Junior Leadership Anderson Advisory Committee with the Chamber of Commerce for 4 years and have served on the Patient Advisory Council with AnMed for past 3 years.   

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate?  

1.  I am a mom of 3 children who all achieved excellence and held many leadership positions in District 5.  2. I have served in our community for many years and have first-hand knowledge of the challenges and success stories within our community that make us unique.  My service to our community has also afforded me with key partnerships and relationships that are crucial to advancing the business of education in our community. 3. I have owned and operated a successful private and non-profit businesses for many years.  My experience in business gives me a full understanding and working knowledge of effective communication, operations, personnel and financial health.  4. I am highly invested in our community and protecting this investment and the investment of others for our future leaders and generations is important to me.  5.  I understand the public policy process, budget narratives, and that transparency and accountability is the foundation for trust.  

7. Describe your own educational journey and what role education has played in your life. How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?  

As a child, I attended Whitehall Elementary and McCant's Middle school, Pendleton Junior High Schoo and graduated from Pendleton High School in 1996.  I received a Bachelor's of Arts in Communication and Journalism from the University of South Carolina in 2001 and a Master's in Public Administration from Clemson University in 2020.  I am a lifelong learner and love to read books, publications and research. Traveling, exploring, and asking questions/listening to people are some other ways that I learn to gain perspective and appreciation. I believe that education (formal an informal) is the pathway to success and in many cases the bridge to crossing the great divide of generational wealth and promotion.  Education is major social determinant of our health as it relates to chronic disease, prevention, accidents, mental and behavioral deficiencies and applying knowledge as it relates to these determinants is a powerful tool for sustainability and growth.   

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?

Without educators we do not have an education system.  Competitive teacher salaries is important to me and proves the value that we assign to their time and talents.  I will boost teacher morale by supporting them in their sound decisions, validating their expert opinions, establishing a culture and a trusted network that allows teachers and support staff to have a voice without fear of retaliation or repercussion.  

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?

I will encourage the board to provide students with additional opportunities outside of the classroom that prepare them for their next steps in life.  These opportunities would include partnerships with higher education institutions, or other trade or service-related organizations that would allow them to work on projects, serve in leadership roles and/or volunteer to gain real world experience and new perspectives. Allowing high-achieving students and their parents to share their own thoughts on being challenged would be a great place to start!  

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person. 

The first and most important thing that I would like all voters to know is that I CARE!  I care about the success of every single educator and student, I care about family, I care about your family, I care about community, I care about excellence, I care about making sure that we being responsible with our resources and assets.   Next, I would like for you to know my philosophy on life and leadership.  I believe that PEOPLE are our greatest asset and that among people, children carry the greatest value. It is for this reason that once elected, I will spend every single day protecting this value, stewarding this value and adding to this value.  Finally, I believe that EVERY child of ALL abilities deserves access to a quality education and when we commit to EXCELLENCE for ALL, everyone achieves more!  I don't play small -- I go big and I will always stand up or what is right. 

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