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Trick Or Treat So Others May Eat

Because it’s scary to be hungry!
What if, instead of just eating candy on Halloween, you helped make it possible for hundreds of families to have food to eat?  Trick or Treat for canned goods rather than candy!
This year you can help stock the food pantry at Anderson Interfaith Ministries (AIM)….and we need your help now more than ever!  In July, we assisted 776 families with their food needs and another 751 families in August.  Our monthly average continues to rise as unemployment and a poor economy leave more and more families needing to ask for help to make ends meet.
During this unique annual food collection effort, canned goods and non-perishable items are collected to stock our Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry.  This event has successfully jump-started our busy holiday season for more than 11 years now, and we hope that you will want to be a part of the fun, fellowship and service this year!
We encourage your class/group to join AIM in fighting hunger by participating in Trick Or Treat So Others May Eat!  There are many ways to become involved.  You can form a team and collect in neighborhoods; or you can collect within your church, school, or organization.  AIM can help provide any materials you might need along with lots of support, while you provide the volunteer power and enthusiasm during the last two weeks of October.
We plan to kick-off this year’s event at a drop-in at our food pantry, located at 1206 S. Murray Avenue, on Monday, September 28, from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Please mark your calendar and drop by to have some refreshments, tour our pantry, learn more about the agency and our event and sign up to participate.  Please call 965-9077 to RSVP.
Here are some “Trick Or Treat So Others May Eat” details:
1.     Recruit your group team members to participate in this event.
2.     Pick up bags and bag attachments at AIM (mid-October date TBA).
3.     Drop off bags to your neighborhoods/class prior to Halloween (between Sun., 10/18 & Wed., 10/21)
4.     Pick up the filled bags on Sunday, the 25th of October & deliver them to the Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry at AIM.  We’ll have refreshments on hand for the volunteers!
We hope you can attend.  Any questions about our agency or this amazing event will be answered and you will have an opportunity to select the neighborhoods in which your group would like to collect.  If you would like to participate but can’t come, please call 965-9077 or email and let’s discuss other ways you can fight hunger.
Please help us reach our goal of 30 participating teams.  A successful event will provide thousands of pounds of food for the Anderson Community for the upcoming fall and winter months.
Thank you for your support of AIM and for your care and concern for Anderson County families struggling with food insecurity!

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