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School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Brad Mock

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Candidates who still wish to be included in this public service can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer these 10 questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29. 

Brad Mock, Anderson School Dist. 4, Area 5

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member?  

The primary responsibility of a school board member is to provide oversight of the system administration working toward the common goals of a better education for our students and a better environment for the teachers and staff. 

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve?

Not being a current member of the board there may be important issues I am unaware of, but the following are three important issues.

    a. Significant growth in district four population.

    b. Recruiting and retention of excellent teachers.  

3. How would you resolve these issues?  

a. Consideration will need to be given to school expansion in District 4

b. The district will need to continue to prioritize recruiting and retention of quality educators for our district. 

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?  

I have always found that a collaborative approach to problem solving is the most effective and results in the best outcome. 

5. Have you ever served on boards/foundations?  

I serve on the Committee that acts as a board for the nonprofit ministry Young Life and have for the last 20 years. 

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate? 

I have served in an administrative role for the past six years and have experience in management, budgets, problem solving, and leadership.  

7. Describe your own education journey and what role education has played in your life.  How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?   

I received a BS in Chemistry from the University of Georgia, an M.D. degree from the Medical College of Georgia, completed a four year residency at the Medical University of South Carolina, and more recently a Masters Degree from Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. Education has played a pivotal role in my life and the importance of it was drilled into me by my parents who were both educators. My mother taught high school and my father was a teacher and coach who went back to school and became a principal and eventually superintendent. In today's world of constant change, you must continue to learn in every field. 

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?

The importance of maintaining competitive salaries has only increased with current economic conditions. It is the job of the board and the administration to balance that against a budget that is not unlimited. We have many outstanding teachers and staff in District Four. I'm sure there are opportunities to better recognize those who add so much to our children's education. Being appreciated for the work you do is important to everyone. 

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?  

High achieving students need to have available to them courses that allow them to excel and compete as they apply to college, such as a wide array of Advanced Placement classes and dual enrollment offerings.

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person.

I am a person of integrity who believes in dealing with people and issues transparently. I believe education provides a great opportunity to improve the lives of our children as it has mine. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to serve others in many capacities. I am a Christian and that informs how I live my life and how I serve others. 


School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Gale Dickerson

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters. 

Candidates who still wish to be included in this public service can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer these 10 questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29.

Gale Dickerson, Anderson School Dist. 3 Area 4

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member? 

The primary responsibility of a school board member is to be service-minded and a voice for all stakeholders in providing an excellent education to all students.

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve?

School Safety – The top priority is ensuring safety for all schools.  We can never be too safe when it comes to our students.  We must make sure we are examining, reviewing and enforcing every safety measure and protocol every single day.

Academics – Education is never a one size fits all.  We need to work diligently to seek and identify ways to close achievement gaps and we also need to re-visit strategies to challenge the growth of high-achieving students.

Transparency – To lead with transparency to ensure all stakeholders, including taxpayers have a clear understanding of district funds and are informed on the plans for updates and spending.

3. How would you resolve these issues?   

See Item 2. 

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?  

All parties share the same purpose and goal to ensure the best education for all students.  Difference in opinions can lead to healthy and meaningful discussions that are needed for change which can lead to better results.  

5. Have you ever served on boards/foundations?  

I have previously served on the School Advisory Team, School Renewal Plan Committee, Leadership Team, Planning Committee for Gifted and Talented and RTI/MTSS (Providing Support to struggling students) Team.

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate?  

I have 23 years of experience, serving as a teacher and an administrator.  Twenty-two of those years have been served in Anderson 3 School District. 

7. Describe your own education journey and what role education has played in your life.  How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?   

Lifelong learning is important because it allows one to grow, learn new skills and to gain more knowledge in specific areas.  A Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood and Elementary Education allowed me opportunities to teach sixth grade and first grade.  Gaining an endorsement in Gifted and Talented allowed me to teach Gifted and Talented Science.  Receiving a Master of Science in Education with a focus on Elementary Reading and Literacy provided me with the opportunity to serve as the Literacy Specialist at Iva Elementary.  Furthering my career as Instructional Coach/Assistant Principal, I obtained a Master’s degree in Administration and Supervision.

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?

Anderson 3 has some of the best teachers in the country and they deserve competitive salaries.  Research shows that teachers are the number one in-school factor for student success and it is critical we bring teacher pay to the national average. Teachers deserve to be equipped with all the resources and materials they need to provide meaningful and engaging learning without having to spend their own funds. Teachers tend to stay when they are paid competitive salaries, valued, empowered, trusted and appreciated. 

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?   

As a former Gifted and Talented teacher, I would like the board to re-visit the academic program for Gifted and Talented students in grades 3-5.  These students deserve appropriate educational services that recognizes and challenges their academic abilities to obtain higher achievement.  Without additional support advanced students can fail to reach their full potential. 

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person.

I am an Educator for Education. I have 23 years of experience as a teacher and an administrator. 

I will work diligently to be a voice for ALL stakeholders in Anderson 3. Let’s 

work together to move Anderson School District 3 from fifth to FIRST in the  

state and from third to FIRST in Anderson County.

Favorite Educational Quote: “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of

true education.”  - Martin Luther King Jr.


School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Cindy Burriss

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Candidates who still wish to be included in providing voters with information can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29.

Cindy Burriss, Anderson School Dist. 5 At-Large

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member?

The school board provides leadership for the district, controls the purse strings of the finances used to operate the schools, and manages policies. Plans for new schools. Advocates for public education. Works with the community to improve student achievement. Hires the superintendent who oversees the hiring of all staff. The board establishes policies that the superintendent implements. The board must comply with state and federal laws to establish policies. 

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve?

Student safety; to include classroom safety and discipline in the classroom

Quality education that is cost effective

Student Achievement 

3. How would you resolve those issues? 

Update and upgrade security measures. Practice safety drills. Ensure discipline of students at school.

Evaluate and remove costs that are too expensive and not effective.

Offer school choice.  

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?

Look for the common ground. Look for the strengths of the others on the board and the superintendent and celebrate those. Allow full discussion of concerns over differences and work as a team to resolve conflict. 

5. Have you served on boards/foundations? no

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate?  

To answer this question, I would like to explain how I have stood up for the children of Anderson District 5. Last year, I heard from parents that superintendent Wilson with the board’s approval announced a plan to pay highschoolers $100 to take experimental vaccines. I participated with parents and concerned citizens to organize a protest at the district office. We protested weekly for 6 weeks hoping to bring attention to the potential dangers of the vaccine. We wanted to stop the incentives and ensure that no more incentives were rolled out to the younger grades. Approximately 30 of us gave passionate speeches at the next school board meeting and about 7 spoke at the next. At that meeting, superintendent Wilson said there were no plans to continue incentives. We also learned that teachers and staff were incentivized with $500. According to minutes from board meetings, the cost of giving shots to 1,070 children was $107,000. No mention of teacher / staff shots or money spent was found. Our fears were warranted. Recently, Florida’s surgeon general warned that males age 18-39 not take mRNA vaccines due to 84% increase risk of cardiac related death. He also warned that healthy children not vaccinate with mRNA vaccines. 

I am a small business owner and manager of a thriving vacation rental property on Hartwell Lake. I have gained knowledge operating this business that I feel will help me to be a more responsible school board member who is concerned about balancing a budget.

7. Describe your own educational journey and what role education has played in your life. How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?  

I consider myself a “late bloomer”. I graduated from T.L. Hanna in 1979. I attended college at Anderson University for two years but being undecided concerning a career path, decided to get a job in manufacturing. I worked at Electrolux Company for total of 13 years, was married for 25 years, and had three daughters. Over the years through personal experiences and the raising my children, I became disappointed in modern medicine. I became very interested in natural remedies which I discovered worked better and were less expensive than prescription drugs. This birthed a desire within me to become a nurse. I learned that nursing is diversified and encompasses natural healing and being an advocate for your patient so nursing was a perfect fit for me. I started nursing school at Tri-County Technical College in 2008 and graduated as a licensed practical nurse in 2009. I immediately went to work in long-term care. I then decided to pursue my RN license. In 2015, I graduated from Greenville Technical College with my Associate Degree of nursing. At that time, I went to work with a local hospice in Anderson. I temporarily stopped nursing in 2021 because of required biweekly PCR testing and then the covid vaccine mandate. 

I continue on a journey of learning everything I can about healthy lifestyle, disease prevention and holistic care. I keep a journal of what I learn about natural healing and share with others who are interested in the same. I have had much success in this endeavor of health and healing! I consider myself to be a lifelong learner concerning health. 

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?  

Offer competitive salaries. Address needs expressed by teachers. Improve conditions for teachers to be able to work less hours due to “bringing work home” or staying long hours at school. 

Take some of the administrative paperwork off the teachers and seek ways to free up more time for teachers. Show teachers respect and appreciation. Listen to them and take action to requests.

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?

Make the teachers happy. Happy teachers teach better. Better course selection. School Choice.

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person.

I believe in the Lord God, family and country. 

Our founding fathers fled an oppressive British government with great peril to their lives. Our nation was founded on freedom to worship or not worship. Our first schools were started by the church. This includes our most famous universities. Prayer was taken out of school in 1962 by the Supreme Court. I share the opinion of many who believe the “removal of God out of the schools” led to a removal of his hand of protection and his blessing of protection from our schools. Many who are against prayer in schools have sited “separation of church and state” but the founders only meant the state was to stay out of the church! The founders utilized prayer in every assembly!

There is a movement in our country to erase our history and rewrite it. Basic fundament truths are being silenced. Propaganda is being promoted. Our children must be taught the truth. They must be taught to think critically and independently. I believe in teaching children to honor our founding fathers and preserve our history so they can learn from it. Our children are being indoctrinated instead of focusing on traditional subjects like math, reading, English and history. Less than 50% of SC students are proficient in math and reading ( I stand for parental rights. I stand for teaching children to know their constitutional rights and to love this great country. 


School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Rick Bradshaw

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Candidates who still wish to be included in providing voters with information can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29. 

Rick Bradshaw, Anderson School Dist. 5,  Area 6

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member? 

Primarily, school board members should be responsive agents to the constituents that they serve, while making sure that good fiscal and ethical practices are being observed by the school district. Board members need to support our teachers and provide them with the resources they need to be successful. They also must do everything possible to make sure Anderson Five is giving a high quality education to our students and providing a safe place to learn.  

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve? 

Without a doubt, safety is the most important issue. Secondly, making sure Anderson Five is preparing our students for the workforce. Another top issue is making sure the district is financially prepared for any future financial downturn.  

3. How would you resolve these issues?   

For safety, the district already has full time school resource officers in each school and is in the process of implementing full body scanners at the high schools. Beyond this, additional security measures will continually need to be adopted, to do our best to stay ahead of new threats. Schools must be as safe as possible for our students, and my greatest commitment to those in Anderson is to make sure I am doing everything in my power to keep our kids safe.  

Workforce development is economic development. Giving our students the skills they need to succeed in the workforce is critical. Anderson Five needs to continue developing high quality programs at the Anderson Institute of Technology, and creating partnerships with Tri-County Technical College and Anderson University. The more opportunities we give our students while they are in high school, the better they will fare after they graduate. 

Saving money is critical. Just like with your personal finances, school districts need to save money for the future. If and when there is another financial downturn, Anderson Five will need to be in a strong financial position so that the storm can be weathered. Over the last decade, Anderson Five has created a strong fund balance for this occasion, and I am committed to sound financial stewardship. 

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?  

Unlike Washington D.C., local government officials have to work together on certain items. We MUST pass a balanced budget, and we can't kick that can down the road no matter what individual thoughts may be regarding the budget. I am strong in my convictions, but I will work with the other school board members and the staff to make sure that we are doing what is best for Anderson Five. We may not always agree, but as long as we remain committed to a common goal of doing what is best for kids I know we can work together.  

5. Have you ever served on boards/foundations?  


I am a member of the Greater Anderson Rotary Club, a past booster club president and a current member on the Board of Trustees for Anderson Five. 

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate? 

I think my experience as a small business owner here in Anderson makes me understand the value of each dollar that is in the budget. I know how to make hard decisions, and how customer service works. Being responsive to those who elect you is critical, and I pledge to always respond to phone calls and emails and advocate for what is in the best interest of our community.  

7. Describe your own education journey and what role education has played in your life.  How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?  

I am a graduate of Anderson School District Five and then received a bachelor's degree in business from Erskine College.   After more than 30 years in the insurance business, I wanted to continue to help people in Anderson and began working as a funeral service director.  To begin this new path, I went back to school at Piedmont Technical College and received a degree in Funeral Services. Education doesn't end when you graduate - it continues as long as you want to learn. I am committed to setting that example for my family, and the constituents I serve.

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers? 

Anderson Five currently has the second highest teacher salaries in the state of South Caroline. That means there is still room to grow! I want to make Anderson Five the most attractive place for our teachers to work, and having a competitive salary is a great recruitment tool. Empowering our educators and treating them like the professionals that they are is the only way we will continue to have a strong school district, and I want our teachers to know that they are supported by the school board. 

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?   

Offering challenging classes, and recruiting highly qualified teachers for those classes is one way to provide for our high-achieving students. Students have to be engaged in their learning, and providing these types of courses also prepares them for the workforce and higher education.

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person.

I am a graduate of Anderson Five, my three children graduated TL Hanna, I have several grandchildren either in Anderson Five schools or about to enter Anderson Five schools, and I am married to a career educator in Anderson Five!

I care about each and every student in each and every school, and I want them to have opportunities that prepare them for the future. 


School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Hannah Arnold

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Candidates who still wish to be included in providing voters with information can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29.

Hannah Arnold, Anderson School Dist. 3, At-Large

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member?

The primary responsibility of a school board member is to ensure all students receive a quality education. A school board member should be accessible and accountable to the community he or she has been elected to represent. An effective school board member has a desire to serve children and the community, a strong belief in the value of public education, and the expertise needed to make sound decisions.  A school board member must be willing to work as a member of the team. An important part of working as a team includes being open-minded and engaging in healthy debate that centers on what is best for all students.  

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve? 

In my conversations with community members of Anderson School District 3 the three most pressing issues are prioritized spending and transparency, ensuring all students have access to a quality education and school safety and security.  

3. How would you resolve those issues? 

To ensure prioritized spending, a high level of accountability and transparency must be exercised by each board member. Students must be at the forefront of every decision being made.  This starts by adding diversity to the school board.  Electing an educator that has experience working in schools will have an immediate impact by adding a new level of expertise and perspective.  There is no amount of knowledge that replaces the value of having a member of the school board with over 20 years of experience in the public school setting and that is what you will get if you elect me to represent you.

It is the responsibility of the school board to ensure students receive a quality education based on South Carolina standards.  There must be a continual review of the curriculum being taught to the students. Parent concerns should be valued and addressed with transparency allowing them to have full confidence in the education their children receive.  Academic results must be monitored on a continual basis and measures put in place to accelerate each school in the district to an excellent school report card rating.  

Parents and students deserve to know safety is a priority.  Safety plans must be reviewed to determine where additional resources and training is needed.  The plan should include strong collaboration with community first responders and local law enforcement.  Any gaps in resources should be secured immediately and monitored regularly.  

If elected as a school board member these are the strategies I would put in place to alleviate the three most pressing issues presented to me during my conversations with community members of Anderson School District 3.

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members? 

My goals will always be aligned with what is in the best interest of all students and I will work collaboratively with the school board members and superintendent to represent the students. I will listen with an open mind, foster an environment where collaboration is valued and debate respectfully. 

5. Have you served on boards/foundations? 

I have devoted my career to serving in the field of education.  I have served on the National Board Committee, Title IX Committee, ADEPT Special Areas Evaluator Committee, Sick Bank Committee and numerous scholarship committees.   

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate?

I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Master of Education in School Counseling, Education Specialist Degree in Administration and Supervision and National Board Certification.   

I have 20 years of experience working in education:  12 years at Crescent High School, (2007-2019).  I have served as a school counselor and assistant principal of instruction for Anderson School District 3.  During this time, I started the first Career Pathway (Mechatronics) and Apprenticeship.  I have experience serving as the Anderson School District 3 Representative for the Anderson Institute of Technology (AIT).  I am a committed advocate and invested parent with a desire to serve the students of Anderson School District 3.  

7. Describe your own educational journey and what role education has played in your life. How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?  

I am proud to say I have devoted my entire career to public education.  I am a first generation high school and college graduate.  My mother instilled a strong value for education in me and my sister from a very young age.  She made sure we knew the importance of earning a quality education. The public school system has been a vital part of my success in earning an education

Public educators paved the way for me and I feel God has called me to do the same for students.  

I value lifelong learning which is evident throughout my career.  I started my career serving in an administrative role where I then advanced to team teaching, serving as a school counselor, school level administrator and most recently district level administrator. My educational journey is a reflection of being committed to lifelong learning.

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?  

I think it is very important to maintain competitive teacher salaries because this fosters an educational environment where highly effective teachers are recruited and retained. Competitive teacher salaries makes teaching more appealing to prospective candidates which raises the caliber of applicants. Teachers are the number one determining factor when it comes to student success. 

A high level of teacher morale has a direct correlation to student success.  In order to boost teacher morale I will work to ensure teachers have the resources needed to effectively remove barriers to student success while remediating and accelerating students.

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?

Students thrive in an environment where they are encouraged and challenged. The school board must provide the resources needed to support high-achieving students. This is just as important as providing resources to students that need remediation.  The school board must ensure a strong curriculum is in place that has acceleration and extending learning opportunities embedded.  The school board should encourage and support district led initiatives for project based learning, local, state and national competitions and recognition ceremonies for high-achieving students and teachers.

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person. 

I have 20 years of experience in education that has prepared me to effectively serve Anderson School District 3. I will add a new perspective and always represent the A3 community with integrity. I value financial transparency, effective communication, prioritized spending and most of all students! If elected, I will represent the Anderson School District 3 community the way I would want someone to represent me and my family.


Delegation Helps Fund Three County Recreation Projects

Observer Reports

Funding for three Anderson County recreation projects have been awarded by the Anderson County Legislative Delegation:

$40,000 in funding from the South Carolina Parts, Recreation and Tourism’s Park And Recreation Developmetn Fund grant program for development of a pavilion/shelter area to be installed at the Hurricane Springs Park pickleball courts. The addition of the new shelter is a result of direct input from pickleball players and other park patrons. 

$100,000 from South Carolina Department of Natural Resource’s Water Recreation Resource Fund to support installation of a water access ramp and other elements at Piedmont Riverfront Park. This contribution will be used in conjunction with a recently-announced $500,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund award to develop Phase I of this exciting new access point and nature park on the Saluda River Blue Trail. 

$100,000 from the Water Recreation Resource Fund to support installation of water access ramp and associated eligible infrastructure at Belton Landing off of Cooley Bridge Road. Developed in partnership with the City of Belton, this facility serves as a key anchor location for the Saluda River Blue Trail. 

“We are truly grateful for the Delegation’s continuing support of our efforts to provide a variety of quality recreational opportunities for citizens throughout our community,” said Anderson County Council Chairman Tommy Dunn.


County Gets $500,000 for Piedmont Facility on Saluda River

Observer Reports

Anderson County has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the United States Department of Interior Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). These funds will be used towards the development of a new recreation facility on the Saluda River in Piedmont.

“This new facility will serve as a key anchor on the Saluda River Blue Trail and bring countless benefits to Piedmont and surrounding area”, said Anderson County Councilmember Jimmy Davis. “I’d like to thank the National Park Service for this significant award and express my gratitude to our friends at SCPRT’s Office of Recreation, Grants and Policy for their invaluable assistance in support of this effort.”  

The facility will be developed in the historic village of Piedmont on county-owned property located at 550 River Road at the confluence of the Saluda River and Big Brushy Creek, just north of Piedmont Dam. LWCF funds will assist in development of Phase I of the new park, which will include:

ADA-accessible kayak launch facility is set to include: 

  • 5,000 linear feet of ADA-accessible paved sidewalk
  • Improved parking area and access
  • Initial development of nature paths, shoreline access trails, and habitat enhancements

“News of this serves as being among the proudest moments of my time in public service”, said South Carolina House District 10 Representative West Cox, R-Anderson. “This park will build upon the momentum for renewal that has been building in Piedmont for the last few years, and I am privileged to witness this happening.” 

Piedmont Riverfront Park will be the fifth access facility developed by Anderson County to support the Upper Saluda River Blue Trail. The Blue Trail provides over 70 miles of beginner-friendly and nearly 50 miles of more advanced paddling opportunities. Starting in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Pickens and Greenville Counties, the Saluda River borders six counties as it flows through Upstate South Carolina and all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

“I can’t begin to say enough good things about the people in Piedmont—their strength and resilience are now being rewarded”, said SC State Senator Mike Gambrell. “The park will bring long-term, sustainable benefits to the community, and I can’t wait to see it come together.”  

The efforts described herein will serve to: 1) preserve and protect almost 30 acres of riverfront property; 2) offer improved recreational access to residents and visitors; 3) promote conservation efforts and ecological awareness; and 4) provide additional support to South Carolina's natural resource-based economy, which has an annual statewide impact of more than $1.6 billion according to a report published by the SC Department of Natural Resources.  

Anderson County estimates that the park will directly contribute more than $3 million to the regional economy each year, with indirect impacts exceeding $10 million annually.


GMAC Returns for 50th Season Nov. 4

Observer Reports

The Greater Anderson Musical Arts Consortium (GAMAC) Chorale under the direction of Dr. Don R. Campbell returns to the stage with “Pieces of Peace & Love,” Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Anderson First Baptist Church. 

The concert will feature works from such artists as The Beatles, John Rutter, Cat Stevens and others.

The event will also celebrate the debut performance of GAMAC’s newly formed Anderson Children’s Choir under the direction of Lauren Owens.

Now in its 50th year, the GAMAC Chorale’s opening concert of the 2022-2023 Concert Season marks the ensemble’s full return since the pandemic.  

Tickets to Pieces of Peace & Love are $20 for adults and $10 for students at to purchase tickets online or call 864-231-6147. Children under 12 are admitted free. Tickets will also be available for sale at the door beginning one hour prior to the performance.  


Surge in RSV Cases Worries Medical Community

By CARLA K. JOHNSON, AP Medical Writer

Children's hospitals in parts of the U.S. are seeing a surge in a common respiratory illness that can cause severe breathing problems for babies. 

RSV cases fell dramatically two years ago as the pandemic shut down schools, day cares and businesses. With restrictions easing in the summer of 2021, doctors saw an alarming increase in what is normally a fall and winter virus. 

Now, it's back again. And doctors are bracing for the possibility that RSV, flu and COVID-19 could combine to stress hospitals.

“I'm calling it an emergency,” said Dr. Juan Salazar of Connecticut Children’s Hospital, where RSV has caused a shuffling of patients into playrooms and other spaces not normally used for beds. The institution explored using a National Guard field hospital, but has set aside that option for now.


It stands for respiratory syncytial virus, a common cause of mild cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, cough and fever. Nearly all U.S. children normally catch an RSV infection by age 2. 

People infected are usually contagious for three to eight days. Babies and people with weakened immune systems can spread RSV for up to four weeks. There is no vaccine for it, though several candidates are in testing.


Everyone can get RSV. But it causes the most threat to infants, older adults and other vulnerable people, who can get serious airway and lung infections.

Among U.S. kids under age 5, RSV typically leads to 58,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 deaths in a year. 

For adults 65 and older, RSV causes 177,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths yearly.

For babies, the struggle to breathe can interfere with eating. “And that’s really when we start to worry,” said Dr. Melanie Kitagawa of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, where more than 40 children have RSV. 

“They’re breathing fast, breathing deep. We see them using muscles in their chest to help them breathe,” Kitagawa said. “These are kids who are having difficulty taking a bottle because their breathing is being impacted and they can't coordinate both at once."


The virus is encountering a highly vulnerable population of babies and children who were sheltered from common bugs during the pandemic lockdowns.

Immune systems might not be as prepared to fight the virus after more than two years of masking, which offered protection, according to Dr. Elizabeth Mack of Medical University of South Carolina.

“South Carolina is drowning in RSV,” Mack said in a news release. The surge arrived earlier this year than normal, she said.

For babies, their mothers may not have been infected with RSV during pregnancy, which could have given the children some immunity. 

U.S. health officials have noted a rise this month in national reports of respiratory illnesses, which they say is at least partly due to the early spread of flu in much of the South. 

Last week, more than 7,000 tests came back positive for RSV, according to CDC figures. That's more than in previous surges. 


There's no specific treatment, so it's a matter of managing symptoms and letting the virus run its course. Doctors may prescribe oral steroids or an inhaler to make breathing easier. 

In serious cases, patients in the hospital may get oxygen, a breathing tube or a ventilator.


Prevent the spread of viruses by washing hands thoroughly and staying home when you're sick.

During RSV season, an injection of an antibody-based medicine is sometimes prescribed to protect premature infants and other very vulnerable babies.

If you're worried your child is having a severe breathing problem, “do not hesitate” to go to an emergency department or call 911, said Dr. Russell Migita of Seattle Children’s Hospital, where RSV is on the rise. 

For less severe medical problems, Migita said, call your regular health care provider for advice, use telehealth or go to urgent care.


Green Pond Amphitheater to Host "The Tales of Ghost Island"

Observer Reports

This the witching season as Green Pond Landing hosts “The Tales of Ghost Island,” a production of Hartwell Lake’s most haunted spot.

The family friendly play features a spooky mix of fact and legend about the island, which was flooded when the lake was filled in 1962, and which once was the site of a Revolutionary War Era plantation. Many of the graves remain on the island.

Presented by the RPM Theatre Company, the play is set for Thursday-Sunday and Nov. 4 and 5 at the amphitheater at Green Pond Landing and Events Center. 

A portion of the proceeds will go to Vets Helping Vets of Anderson. Tickets are available at the event or online at  

For more information on Ghost Island, check out the video below.


Holy Trinity to Host 80th Annual Bazaar and Artisan Market

Observer Reports

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Clemson will hold its annual Bazaar and Artisan Market Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the church fellowship hall located at 193 Old Greenville Highway across from Clemson University.

This year marks the 80th anniversary of annual Bazaar, and will feature handcrafted items made by artisans from around the Upstate and crafters at Holy Trinity. Items for sale will include holiday, ornaments, jewelry, gift baskets, soaps, quilts, plants, candles, American Girl Doll clothes, as well as homemade take-home frozen meals, baked and canned goods. The event also will include a silent auction.

The Bazaar will also include a tailgate-style party featuring grilled burgers, hot dogs and chili, cole slaw, grilled cheese, fruit, and other dishes. 

All profits to Holy Trinity will be shared among local charities. In recent years, proceeds have been donated to Clemson Community Care, Family Promise of Pickens County, Collins Children’s Home, Our Daily Rest, Safe Harbor, Habitat for Humanity of Anderson, and the Clemson Free Clinic, among others. 

More information about the event can be found at or by contacting the parish office at 654-5071.


Early Voting Begins Monday for November Elections

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Early voting in South Carolina begins Monday and runs through Nov. 5 for this year’s general elections. Early voting replaces in-person absentee voting.

Anderson County will host Early Voting locations at:  

Anderson County Board of Registration and Elections

301 N Main Street, Anderson, SC 29621

8:30 am – 6:00 pm Monday – Saturday 

Powdersville Branch Library

4 Civic Court, Powdersville, SC 29642

8:30 am – 6:00 pm Monday - Saturday   

Absentee voting by mail is still valid. To receive a ballot for mail-in, contact the Anderson County Board of Registrations and Elections at County 864-260-4035 or to initiate this process or visit:


Anderson County High School Football Scores

BHP 49, Soutside 0

Crescent 30, West Oak 15

Daniel 51, Pendleton 13

Westside 41, Easley 20

Palmetto 14, Fountain Inn 0

Powdersville 51, Wren 14

T.L. Hanna 38, Woodmont 13