Anderson Cricket Club Expects Sport to Grow in the Area
Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer
The Anderson Cricket Club kicked off it's inaugural event Saturday, with a good crowd and spirited atmosphere.
Members of the two-team club, the Spartans and the Kings currently make up the county's roster, expect up to five more teams to join in the near future. Many also expect Anderson to become a hub for cricket in the Upstate, thanks to a cricket pitch and field provided by Anderson County which members of the club said outshines anything else in the area.
Plans to expand and make the sport available to local children is also in the works.
Cricket is the world's second most popular sport, with roughly 60 million people in 106 players.
Here's a recap of the day's events, plus interviews from a coaches, team captains and more, who told the Anderson Observer the best is yet to come for cricket in the county.