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Anglers Reel in Over 3,000 Pounds of Garbage from Hartwell Lake

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The "big fish," a 400-plus pound chuck of fiberglass tipped the scales for the Travelers Rest Fishing team Saturday in the Lake Hartwell Clean Up Tournament Saturday at Green Pond.

The Devil Dogs brought in more than 650 pounds of debris from Hartwell Lake to take home the top prize of $500 among middle school/high schools in the competition. 

Emmanuel University's 42 bags of garbage weighed more than 800 pounds, the heaviest catch for the tournament. Their fishing team also received $500 for the top college team finish.

More than 3,000 pounds was removed from the lake are surrounding area as part of the event.

The Palmetto Boat Center awarded prizes for the teams with the heaviest totals of garbage gathered during the tournament.  The top three teams in the High School Division and top three teams in the College Division each received $500 for first place, $300 for second place and $200 for third place. 

The cleanup event was scheduled two weeks ahead of the Bassmaster Classic, which is set for Green Pond March 4-6.




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