City Approves Municipal Judges List, Oks On-Call Consulting List
Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer
Anderson City Council approved the reappointments for the city's municipal judges on Monday night.
Council extended the two-yeat appointments for municiapl judges Josh Allen, Stacy Blair, Goetz Eaton, Robert B. King Jr. and Richard E. Thompson Jr. The remaining municipal judge, Matt Lollis, works under a different contract with the city, which will remain in place
Council also approved $186,000 for the extension of a one-year contract with Southern Health Partners to provide medical care for inmates housed at the Anderson City Detention Center as part of Monday's meeting.
City Manager Davic McCuen said the company will proviced a full range of medical services for inmates in custody. The new conttract will be provided at the same cost as last year. The second-year of the contract would include a three percent increase if extended by the city.
The final approval to the rezoning of Fairway Green to allow the construction of 58 townhouses was also a part of Monday's meeting.