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« School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Julie Usherwood | Main | School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Anne Marie Rogers »

School Board Candidates Answer Questions: John Steely

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.

Candidates who still wish to be included in this public service can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer these 10 questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29.

John Steely, Anderson School Dist. 5.  Area 2 

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member? 


A board member is accountable to provide the direction and financial priority for the safest environment possible for the children and faculty.  Ensuring schools stay up to date to prevent intruder access, as well as maintaining discipline within the schools and dealing with issues quickly and effectively.  

A board member is accountable to the parents and community. He/she (the board) must communicate openly and often with parents and communities to develop and maintain a trust and confidence that their children are the priority.  

A board member is accountable to not only listen but to “hear” what parents and communities want from their child’s education…taking that information and using it to improve.  

A board member is accountable to be present and prepared for the decision making needed to establish and maintain procedures, staffing, facilities, and curriculum consistent with state law and the communities needs.

A board member is accountable for the performance of the superintendent and the school faculty to educate the children. That includes making necessary changes if performance goals and expectation are not met.  

A board member is accountable for how the hard-earned tax money allocated to the schools is being used…ensuring that priority is given to schools, faculty, and children BEFORE the administration.  This is NOT a full listing of the board member’s responsibility…but the things listed above are the highest on my list. 

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve? 

School safety – this includes external and internal safety.  Externally, we need to bring our school facilities up to date to protect from intruders and threats.  Internally, we need to stop the violence that has plagued several of our schools. No student or teacher should be afraid when within the boundary of the school.  

Parental/Community Involvement – There is a lack of communication and transparency. It is not enough to expect that the monthly board meeting is where parents and communities must get their information about their child’s education.  And they shouldn’t hear important decisions from their children first. This includes how and why curriculum is selected and approved.

Financial Accountability – Its ALL tax payer money.  Whether it is federally funded, state taxed, or county sales tax money…it ALL comes from the people and businesses in the community.  This financial accountability includes full disclosure to the tax payers along with an opportunity for decisions to be challenged.  

3. How would you resolve these issues?   

School safety – Get out and see what others have done.  One school has a red line on the floor that directs students where to position themselves during an intruder threat…behind this simple line prevents anyone from seeing them from outside the classroom. One school system has installed call boxes in all classroom.   

Flip the switch UP means you need help….DOWN means the room is safe and the threat is NOT in that room. This allows quicker isolation of the intruder or threat. All classrooms have bullet proof doors that are locked with code locks. These are NOT hard things to implement quickly.   There are MANY more things that others have already done.  Internally…stop the violence.  Increase adult presence in the areas where fights and violence tend to break out.  Deal with the problem…not the victims.  If a student will not adhere to the school’ rules…they cannot attend the school…it’s that simple.  

Parental/Community Involvement – not hard, but it takes commitment. It’s not hard to determine what the concerns are.  All you need to do is ask a parent. Visit each school…talk to faculty…talk to students…talk to parents when they pick up their children.  Hold townhall type meetings to listen to feedback from concerned parents and citizens…taxpayers.  Develop a monthly newsletter from the board to the parents/community.  Keeping them informed and identifying a way they can provide feedback to the board.  These are only a few things that can be done. 

Financial Accountability – spend money on schools, teachers, and student’s needs FIRST.  While we must balance technology and conventional education…we have to keep up.  Homeland Park needs improved wireless network…not only for teaching but for all other aspects of running a school.  Right now, there should be a report in front of all board members that identifies the condition of each school’s heating system…knowing that cold weather is approaching. Divert money to fix the priority things.  Building an administrative office doesn’t fit into that category. I don’t doubt office space is needed…but there should have been transparency and an opportunity for comment before selecting and building the current admin office.  If there had been, maybe a better option would have been identified that would create trust with parents and taxpayers instead of the current level of discontent.  

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?   

I make decisions outside of emotion.  That doesn’t mean there isn’t passion…but decisions should be made logically, with facts and not anger or fear.  Emotions tell me we need to address something or make a decision...but logic and facts will get to the right decision. No one board member is the voice. We have nine voices that need to come together. Procedures are in place to make decisions if we all don’t agree.  Once that procedure has been followed, we all must accept the decision and support the board.  The superintendent works for the board.  The board owes that superintendent clear expectations for his performance. The board must listen to the superintendent that they put in place. Allow him to do his/her job as defined in the policy.  They owe him/her clear communication when those expectations are not being met.  They owe the taxpayer swift action if performance cannot be improved.  That said, the superintendent is a key position…a focal point for the board to see and hear what’s happening at the schools.  There must be good communication and trust between that superintendent and the board.  

To sum up…clear expectations…clear communications…follow the policy.   

5. Have you ever served on boards/foundations?   

I am currently the board chairman for a community board and have for the past 15 years.  The Friends of Broadway Lake (FBL) was formed ~15 years ago to foster community health and partnership among the residents and visitors of Broadway Lake.  FBL also collects areas of concerns and provides recommendations to Anderson County to improve, protect, and preserve Broadway Lake and the surrounding area.  

What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate? 

The last 29 years of my work career have been in the Training department at Oconee Nuclear Station.  I was a certified senior reactor operator instructor many of those years.  So curriculum, lesson plans, examinations, etc. were part of my everyday activity.  I rose to site Training Manager for the last 8 years of that career.  This position included managing the site training staff and facilities to produce the best trained and qualified nuclear workers possible.  I managed a large budget and met that budget each year.  My 39-year career working at a commercial nuclear power plant ingrained in me the importance of following approved policy and procedure. Adherence to policy and procedure is paramount for executing the responsibilities of a school board. 

7. Describe your own education journey and what role education has played in your life.  How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?  

I did not complete a college or university education.  However, the training I received over 39 years at the nuclear plant was equal to or above a college degree.  I was in a leadership role for 22 years that required periodic training in all aspects of managing people, processes, procedures, and finances (the money). Since I had an instructor background, I also taught several courses on communication and conflict resolution. Learning never stops.  I have had to learn as a candidate for this board position…that learning will continue even in the board member position.  It must…learning is how we grow and improve. 

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?

Teachers are leaving our school system for better working conditions and better appreciation.  Student teachers select other school systems to do their apprentice work and advance their careers instead of district 5.  We need teacher appreciation days. A simple visit from board trustees to recognize teachers at a school will make a difference.   People want to know they are valued.  Positive feedback makes everyone feel good about themselves and what they do.

How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students? 

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?   

Recognize the high achievement. Use those high achievers for the improvement of others in the school.  Mentoring is a great and safe way to offer help to a struggling student.  Develop life planning tools that parents, counselors, and students can use to set the path for high achieving students.   

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person.

I asked my wife this question and this was her response:

“I cannot think of a better fit for the Board of Education.  His years of managing people, in writing policy and procedures, and the qualities he possesses of diplomacy, moral fortitude, and clear and concise communication are most perfect fit for the role of board of trustee.”  Granted, she is my biggest fan as my wife…I have worked hard to develop my character.  I believe it will serve the parents, community, and taxpayers well.  I believe that with a Christian heart and focus on family…I can make a difference as a board member and our education system can produce tomorrow’s leaders.

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