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Glen Raven to Add 135 Jobs in Anderson

Observer Reports

Glen Raven Inc., a high-performance textile manufacturer, today announced plans to expand operations for its custom fabrics division in Anderson County with a $70 million investment will create 135 new jobs.

“Glen Raven has been an integral part of Anderson County for decades now, and I am glad to see the tradition continuing with this expansion," said Anderson County Council Vice Chairman Brett Sanders. "A company like Glen Raven Inc. would be welcome in any country around the world, and it says a lot about our workforce and our community that they choose to stay right here at home.”

Located at 4665 Liberty Highway in Anderson, Glen Raven Inc.’s expansion will add a distribution center to the company’s existing local operations with new equipment and processes that will improve overall efficiency and capacity. The company is also enhancing its Sunbrella® manufacturing assets with additional finishing capacity and investments to optimize material flow while expanding and improving inspection and sampling capabilities.

Operating in Anderson County since 1986, Glen Raven Inc. is a leading provider of textiles with widely recognized global brands including Sunbrella® and Dickson®. The company focuses primarily on the awning, marine and furniture markets.
Designed with flexibility to adjust as markets change, the company’s new facility is expected to be constructed and operational by early 2023. Individuals interested in joining the Glen Raven Inc. team should visit the company’s careers webpage.
The Coordinating Council for Economic Development has approved a $400,000 Set-Aside grant to Anderson County to assist with the cost of site preparation and building construction.

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