

PAWS Dogs Playground Party

Feb. 7

Anderson County Council

Feb. 10

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Anderson County Oks Deal for Solar Energy Investment Projects

The sun is about to shine a little brighter for some Anderson County farmers.

Anderson County Council has given the go ahead incentives for five Southern Current solar farm sites in the county with an investment of almost $20 million. Additional sites are expected to follow.

Construction is expected to get under way soon at the following sites:

  1. Off S.C. 86 between Timms Road and Mountain Springs Road, Piedmont
  2. Off S.C. 17 East of Durham Road, Piedmont 
  3. Off S.C. 413 North of Erskine Road, Belton
  4. Between Ballard Road and S.C. 8, Pelzer
  5. Off S.C. 86. NE of Wiginton Road, Piedmont
  6. Between S.C. 86 and  Mountain Springs Road, Piedmont

Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns said the agreement is a win for everyone.

"This is good every way you look at it," Burns said. "It takes land currently desinated agricultural and creates income for the land owner and brings in more money for the county. 

The current annual tax income for the properties is $260.52. Under the new agreement, the land wil bring in $34,298 to the county's general fund. Southern Current will also invest an additional $43,008 in solar equipment on the properties. The company will sell the solar power energy to Duke Energy.

Burns said the 10-year deal includes a bond to protect the county if all the particulars of agreement are not met by Southern Current.

"I am lookint at the as a boon to help preserve our farms," Burns said. "It also provides and protects some much needed green space in growth areas such as Piedmont and near Powdersville. And it provides some steady income for the farmers who own the land."

"It does not increase traffic or put a burden on any other infrastructure," Burns said. "And it puts more money in the pockets of the land owners and of the county."

Burns said the solar project has been long in the making and was a complicated program. But in the end, the work will continue to pay off. 

"This is just good for the county, and I think it's cool," Burns said.

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