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Feb. 7

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Phil Kornblut to Speak at TD Club Friday

Sports Talk Radio Network Phil Kornblut is the scheduled speaker for this week's Anderson Area Touchdown Club, which meets Friday at lunchtime at the Anderson County Library. Korblut will be presenting his thoughts on the state teams and recruiting in South Carolina. 

Players and a coach will be also honored on Friday from their play from the previous Friday night games.

The meal lines opens at 11:30 am with the program beginning at 12:10 pm. Visitors are welcome.  Meal cost for members is $10 and $15 for visitors. 

For further information about the Club or to join, call Bill Brissey at 864/226-7380 or Nancy at 864/616-6471.

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    The Anderson Observer - News - Phil Kornblut to Speak at TD Club

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