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Editorial: Mercy Chapel Needs Immediate Help for Monday Meals

Editorial/Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson’s South Main Chapel and Mercy Center needs a little mercy right now.

A large baptist church in town which had been providing meals and volunteers on Monday nights at the Mercy Center for nearly three years, is no longer involved at the center, and their departure provides an opportunity for another church, organization, or individual(s) to step up and help.

Mondays are an important time for the church which serves an under-represented congregation of largely economically challenged individuals. 

In addition to the meal, each Monday night, for the past three years, the church has provided a number of free resources including counselors from vocational rehab, counselors from mental health, a nurse from the Anderson Free Clinic (plus another volunteer nurse from the church), a devotional and a recovery group meeting for those with substance abuse issues.

The meal is an added feature to engage those in the community needing services and who could use something to eat. 

The cost to feed the 75-100 who attend the Monday events is approximately $600 per month. 

“We have people who can cook,” said the Rev. Kurt Stutler, pastor and founder of the church. “Or we can work out whatever our new partner or partners have in mind for the meal.”

Stutler said the church, which also offers a Sunday lunch for anyone at the services every week, has many good partners for the Sunday meal, including 10 churches and a number of civic organizations.  Other churches provide financial support for the ministry and other regular financial obligations at the church. 

But Monday night needs sponsor(s) for the meal, and the need is immediate. 

This week, the Mercy Center begins its fourth year. Anderson has always been a giving community, and this is a golden chance to shine again.

Who’s in? To find out how you can help, call the church at 864-437-8298 or email the Observer and we'll put you in touch.

You can also visit to see what else is happening at the church.

This story deserves a rapid happy ending.

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