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House Overrides Veto; Gas Tax Hike, Fees Starts July 1

A law that takes effect July 1 will eventually provide more than $600 million annually to fix South Carolina's crumbling roadways.

The 32-12 vote in the Senate on Wednesday to override Gov. Henry McMaster's veto culminates a three-year legislative effort to find a reliable, steady stream of revenue for repairing South Carolina's highways and bridges.

The House overrode the veto on a 95-18 vote hours earlier after Democrats and Republicans blasted McMaster for providing no leadership on the state's top priority.

House Speaker Jay Lucas said the GOP governor seeking his first full term in 2018 chose to put the advice of campaign consultants above South Carolinians.

The bill would raise the gas tax by 12 cents per gallon over six years. It also increases and creates other fees.

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