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Feb. 7

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School Dist. 4 Outlines Expansion Plans

Anderson School District Four is planning big changes.

Among the proposed changes for the district, are a new middle school, safety upgrades and renovated athletic facilities.

Here is the full list of suggested projects:

  • New Riverside Middle School on school property on Boscobel Road
  • HVAC and roof renovations at LaFrance, Pendleton and Townville Elementary
  • Safety upgrades: communication safety rooms, door and window modifications and outdoor fencing at ALL schools
  • 2nd road gate systems at Mt Lebanon, Pendleton Elementary, Townville Elementary and Pendleton High school
  • Americans with Disabilities compliant playgrounds, walking trails at La France and Mt Lebanon
  • Upgraded Townville athletic fields
  • New and renovated athletic facilities at Pendleton High school
  • New aged classroom/lab at Pendleton High school

Board members are expected to take a vote concerning the new additions and changes on May 2. The election commission will soon finalize the date for the vote.

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