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Clemson Research Could Predict Future Illnesses in Newborns

Imagine if a DNA sample was taken from every newborn baby to determine what illnesses they were most at risk for.

A Clemson University professor said that will become a reality sooner rather than later.  Scientists there are leading the way in personalized medicine research. Dr. Emil Alexov recently got back from leading a national conference on this research topic last week.

He said if DNA testing for all newborns becomes a reality, it could save lives every day.

"If I know what the defect is and there is a medicine that can reduce the effect of the disease then of course it will be prescribed,” said Alexov.

Alexov said the DNA testing will help parents plan accordingly for their child with medication or a specialized diet.  That's only if they want to know the results.

“The person would be given a choice:  Do you want to know your DNA?  Do you want to know your risks of getting sick or not?” said Alexov.

Once you know what sorts of DNA defects threaten your life, Alexov said people can make all sorts of changes.

“This is a balance of many factors.  Our DNA, what is our lifestyle, do we exercise, do we drink water enough, and what is our environment?" said Alexov.

Clemson students said a better understanding of DNA defects will lead to better preventative practices.

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