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Anderson County Council

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Council Discusses Budget Changes in Special Meeting

In a called meeting on the Anderson County 2014-15 budget Wednesday night, Anderson County Council reviewed and compared budgeted costs and revisions on stormwater, wastewater, solid waste and airport expenses, and the budget for the Anderson County Sheriff's Department.

The sheriff's department is currently projecting a deficit, a total $1,444,005. The funds are projected to be generated by restoring millage to 2009 millage rate of 30.8, instead of the current 30.2, which would generate $355,000 and the rest, or $1.1 million, would come from the department's fund balance. The current fund balance for the sheriff's office is currently $1.4 million.

The deficit is the result of rising costs and a rising demand for services and the cancelation of the contract by the Town of Pendleton.

Anderson County Councilwoman Gracie Floyd said the sheriff's department employees should also receive a raise. Floyd said Anderson is losing good law enforcement people to other, smaller counties which pay higher salaries.

"Anyone in your deparment who carries a gun and is having to apply for food stamps should get a raise," Floyd said. "It bothers me."

"I am making a polite request to get these folks a raise. It would make me and my constituents a raise." 

Council also heard a proposal for a new in-house phone system for the county. The currenty system is based on older techonology and was installed by a company no longer in business. Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns said last week the Anderson County Economic Development lost all phone service because of the old system.

Currently, the county pays $15,000 per month for the old system. Wendesday night's proposal would cut the monthly costs for the phone system to around $7,000 per month and would include a far more capable and up-to-date system which will allow for growth.

Anderson County Finance Director Rita Davis also reviewed changes in the proposed budgets which include many of the items discussed earlier. The changes include fleet adjustments, demolition projects, a web consultant, paving money - both current and deferred, economic development, among other items.

County Council Chairman Tommy Dunn said the changes were based on changes proposed by council members and that any changes would have to be offset by other changes to keep the current budget balanced.

The budget changes will also be included on next Tuesday's county council meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the historic courthouse dowtown.

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