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« Report: S.C. Near Bottom in Addressing Seniors' Needs | Main | Haley Calls for End to Black Bike Week »

S.C. Not Expected to Raise Campaign Donation Limits

Since the U.S. Supreme Court paved the way for unlimited spending by unions, corporations and other associations, 13 states have raised their limits on what people may contribute to candidates. South Carolina is not among them.

And this state isn't expected to join them any time soon, possibly because its current limits are about in the middle of the pack nationally, though its limits on contributions to state Senate candidates are lower than average, ranking 38th, according to the Center for Competitive Politics.

State lawmakers also may be avoiding raising limits because that might not jibe with many people's idea of positive ethics reform, a hot topic at the Statehouse during the past two years.

But some argue raising limits would be a positive step.

David Keating, the center's director, said recent First Amendment lawsuits over campaign spending have led to positive legislative changes.

"These 13 states are at the vanguard of a new movement to permit more political speech," he said. "By easing limits on campaign contributions, lawmakers in these states are advancing the First Amendment rights of their constituents - and making elections more competitive."

During the past year, Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Wyoming either raised or eliminated various campaign contribution limits. Vermont increased its contribution limits in January, and Oklahoma may pass them this year.

Of those nine, five at least doubled their limits, he said.

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