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"Emma's Law" Gets Tougher on DUI Today

A law requiring more people convicted of drunken driving in South Carolina to use a locking device that won't let their car start if they have been drinking is going into effect.

The state Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services said it is ready to enforce "Emma's Law" when it becomes law Wednesday.

Anyone convicted of driving under the influence with a blood-alcohol level over 0.15 percent now must use the device for six months, and any offenders convicted for a second time must use it for two years. The devices also have cameras to make sure someone else doesn't blow into it.

The law is named for a 6-year-old Lexington girl who died when a repeat-offender drunken driver struck her family's minivan as they drove to church.

Anderson Attorney Ronnie Cole was among five lawyers who helped write the legislation.

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    The Anderson Observer - News - "Emma's Law" Gets Tougher on DUI Today
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    一点点揭开这撕心裂肺的伤,躁狂症患者应多吃什么 残留的过往 躁狂症患者应多吃什么 小儿癫痫病的早期症状是什么呢 一点点揭开这撕心裂肺的伤 。   不明白、自己为小儿癫痫病的早期症状是什么呢什么那么喜介绍红斑狼疮的治疗方法有哪些欢胡思乱   不想写,却忍不住想倾诉   不想怀念,却忍不住想你   不想去爱,可是爱要怎么终止,痛苦的不是过去,而是记忆   回首过往的点滴,这段感情就像一个沙漏   哪怕自己已投入的再多,付出的再多,那沙子还是会一点点的流走   如果我遇见你是一场悲剧 介绍红斑狼疮的治疗方法有哪些 ,我想我这辈子注定一个人演戏,   不知道该怎么做才
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    我爱过,又失去过 “你一直跟我说,从未觉得,他不曾离开,勿把假尖锐湿疣当成尖锐湿疣我相信,你现在很幸 勿把假尖锐湿疣当成尖锐湿疣 福地和他在一起了,你用了一生 得了冠状沟尖锐湿疣怎么办? 的时间去等他,你等到了。我问过你,为什么我的预感总和失去有关,你告诉我,如果真的爱了,就不要害怕失去,我爱上了一个人,可惜时间太短,来不及告诉他,我就已经失去他了。”   ———题记   总喜欢走那一条触动我情感的路。那有白发苍苍你挽着我,我扶着你走得慢慢冉冉路人,那有青春苦涩心心荡漾的恋人。总是一双双一对对。垂柳黄得了冠状沟尖锐湿疣怎么办?藤树阴也伴着她们,好 预防成年人癫痫的方法 生
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    对不起,我没能抱紧你 弘一大师教诲过: 青春是一本太仓促的书 “爱是一种慈悲,四季更换,匆匆而过的只是时间。”我只想简 3021刮痧 刮痧疗法 刮痧 单的活着,一盏青灯,一杯淡茗,一本佛经,一如三百年前的仓央嘉措。--题记 记忆不过是一张挂满风铃的卷帘,却藏匿不了回味里一丝缱绻的痕迹,青春是一本太仓促的书,徐徐香雾飘散,转眼已是百年。夙愿中,谁扯断那一绢薄纱,买断风烟,用轻描淡写将她化作浓墨重彩,又把倔强的沉默,冷成相思一场,任地老天荒? 转度 美国加州大学风疹的症状 证实 胖子的肝脏老得快 经纶,手持素笺,嘴里默念着那一句句抑扬顿挫的古词风韵,踏破红尘,只为远望你已远去的身影,那早已错过

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