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Varennes Teacher Wins Statewide Award

Chris Holt, physical education teacher at Varennes Academy of Communications and Technology, has been named the winner of a statewide honor. Mr. Holt is this year’s recipient of the SCAPES Founder’s Award for Teaching Excellence – Elementary Level. The award is presented by the South Carolina Association for Physical Education and Sport. Now in his sixth year of teaching at Varennes, Mr. Holt has taught in District Five for the past ten years.

“Mr. Holt was selected for this prestigious award for his outstanding contributions to Physical Education in South Carolina,” said Todd Seagle, chairman of the SCAPES Honors and Awards Committee. “South Carolina is fortunate to have a professional of his caliber serving the children of our state.” The award criterion requires that the recipient be a physical education teacher who:

  • Conducts a quality physical education program as reflected in NASPE standards and guidelines for K-12 Physical Education programs;
  • Utilizes various teaching methodologies and plans innovative learning experiences to meet the needs of all students;
  • Serves as a positive role model epitomizing personal health and fitness, enjoyment of activity, sportsmanship, and sensitivity to the needs of students;
  • Participates in professional development opportunities; and
  • Provides service to the profession through leadership, presentations, and/or writing.

The 2009 South Carolina Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (SCAHPERD) Annual Convention will not be held in November this year due to South Carolina Hosting the Southern District Conference in February 2010.  The SCAPES Founder’s Award for Teaching Excellence will be presented to Mr. Holt at the SCAHPERD Awards Luncheon on Saturday, February 13, 2010.  The Awards Luncheon will be held at noon.

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