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Feb. 7

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Feb. 10

MTP: "A Streetcar Named Desire"


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La France Elementary Art Gallery Now Online

La France -- La France Elementary School artists can now display their work all over the world. Jeryl Hollingsworth, the school's art teacher, has set up an online art gallery at Visitors can browse the artwork in the school gallery by grade level, or by specific exhibits. "This program is a wonderful way to get parents and family members more involved in Art Education," said Mrs. Hollingsworth.

Any teacher or parent can create an online art gallery for their child or school. Artsonia provides several online features such as fan clubs and personal guestbooks, as a way for families to encourage the creativity and imaginations of their young artists. In addition, family members can purchase keepsakes imprinted with the child's artwork, with Artsonia donating 15 percent of their annual product revenue back to school art

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