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S.C. Teachers Tops in U.S. in Training to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

COLUMBIA, S.C. - South Carolina teachers are leading the nation to keep kids safe thanks to a public / private initiative to help prevent, recognize and react responsibly to signs of child sexual abuse.

By the end of this year, 20,000 S.C. teachers and school employees will complete child sexual abuse prevention training. That's more than 40-percent of the state's 54,000 school staff and sets a national record among U.S. school systems, according to Darkness to Light (D2L), a national non-profit that administers the training. By the end of 2010, state officials anticipate more than 38,000 (75-percent) school teachers and school employees will complete the training.

Funding for the training programs has been boosted through donations of $25,000 by Select Health of South Carolina and $15,000 by Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina, two of the state's largest health insurance carriers.

The training was launched statewide in 2008 by the S.C. Department of Education in partnership with D2L. Dr. Jim Rex, S.C. Department of Education Superintendent, said several S.C. school districts have already trained 100-percent of their educators.

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