

PAWS Dogs Playground Party

Feb. 7

Anderson County Council

Feb. 10

MTP: "A Streetcar Named Desire"


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Ring in the New Year with Ham

Looking for the perfect dish to see in the new year? How about a glazed ginger-ale ham? It is perfect for a big meal and great for ham biscuits and sandwiches to snack on during games. And it is so easy to prepare.


  • 1 (10-12-pound) ham
  • 4 liters ginger ale
  • 1 jar of Boar's Head Ham Glaze (available in grocer deli)


Place the ham in a large pan over the burner, or a crock pot, and add 2 liters of ginger ale. Bring the pan to the boil then lower the heat slightly so that it keeps bubbling steadily for 4 1/2 hours.

Towards the end of the 4 1/2 hours, preheat the oven to 425 degrees and open the Boar's Head Ham Glaze.


After 4 1/2 hours, gently lift the ham out of the pan and place on a foil-lined baking tray or a disposable baking tin. Carefully cut away the skin, leaving a thin layer of fat. There is no need to score the surface, simply slap on the glaze and place the tray with the ham into the oven for 20 minutes.

Serve hot or cold.