

PAWS Dogs Playground Party

Feb. 7

Anderson County Council

Feb. 10

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Anderson Cares, and That's Good

     At least 500 citizens packed into the Anderson County Library Monday night to hear the results of a Strom Thurmond Instute story on options for reforming Anderson County Schools. (Story here). The Anderson County Board of Education members, the superintendents of the school districts and school trustees, all had to find something good in a room full of their neighbors taking time away from their families the night before schools start to take part in discussion of the future of education in our county.

     There were no big surprises. If you read our story last month, you knew most of what was presented at the meeting. There were the same tensions between the powers that be that have existed for a long time. But there was tension and drama and passion, and those who seemed to mistake the meeting as a soap box for their own agendas, but in end the end no vote on anything. But it was a good community moment, folks coming out on a Monday night to express their opinion or to sit and gather information about our schools. All good.

     No matter where you come down on the particulars - and there were enough hoots, groans and a few cat calls as the night went on - in the end there seemed to be a strong sense of willingness to at least begin to cooperate across district lines by folks who have devoted their lives to education.

     So a tip of the hat to everyone in the room last night for coming out. One more thing that makes our community a special place. (Oh, and there's a county council meeting tonight....)

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