Pet of the Week P.A.W.S. SHELTER (No Current Listings)
For more info on adopting or other topics, visit here
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Noon-5 p.m.
Questions? Email
Animal Shelter This Week
* Able to save 94% of the animals in our care this week.
* INTAKES: 67 (10 owner surrender, 3 owner requested euthanasia, 5 return adoptions, 26 from animal control, 15 strays, and 11 transferred in).
* OUTCOMES: 55 animals adopted, 1 died, 4 were euthanized for illness or aggression, 5 were returned to owners, 8 were sent to rescue.
* Currently 114 large dogs, 5 small dogs, 14 puppies, 14 cats and 6 kittens in the facility. There are 97 animals in foster homes in our community.
* PAWS was able to divert 3 animals and allowed them to stay in their home and altered 58 community cats
* Currently 125 animals are available for adoption. 72 of those animals are spayed/neutered 58%
* There is 1 animal being held for court.
* The clinic performed 118 surgeries.
* 7 dogs were treated for heartworms
* PAWS received $3,403.00 in cash donations.
* PAWS supplied 590lbs of dry dog food, 12 cans of dog food, and 217lbs of dry cat and 675 cans of cat food to animals in need in our community.
People who are interested In volunteering can contact Danielle at or they can also contact Brittany Rambo at