Kids Fishing Rodeo Set for Saturday at Civic Center
Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 7:05AM
Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

A Kids Classic Fishing Rodeo is scheduled Saturday from 9-11 a.m. at Chris Tayor Memorial Park at the Anderson County Civic Center.

The free event is sponsored by Bishop Branch Baptist Church's Fully Equiped Minstry, Visit Anderson, Visit Greenville and Academcy Sports & Outdoors.

Youth 12 and under are eligible for the event and participants are asked to bring their own fishing gear, although some rods and reels will be available. Bait will be provided. Special needs families are encouraged to participate. All participating children must be accompanied by a parent during the entire event.

Prizes will be given away and orgaziners will track how many fish each child catches, at this catch and release event. No coolers are allowed.
Registration is required for this free event. Call 864-646-9949 or email to register.
Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (
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