School Board Candidates Answer Questions: Julie Usherwood
Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:20AM

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson Observer reached out to all candidates running for school board seats in this year’s election. The following are the responses of those who responded. These interviews in no way constitute an endorsement of any candidate. They are published as a public service to Anderson County voters.= 

Candidates who still wish to be included in providing voters with information can contact no later than 11 p.m. Oct. 28 for a chance to answer questions. The deadline for all submissions will be 11 p.m. Oct. 29.

Julie Usherwood, Anderson School Dist. 5,  Area 1 (unexpired term)

1. What is the primary responsibility of a school board member? 

The primary responsibilities of a school board member are to provide  governance and management of the district, provide fiscal oversight, and advocate for the quality of education of all children in the district. 

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing the school district for which you seek to serve? 

The three most pressing issues facing the school district and most school systems in the United States are:

1. School Safety

2. Addressing declines in reading/math scores due to COVID

3. Teacher shortages and staffing 

3. How would you resolve these issues?  

1. Anderson District 5 takes school safety very seriously. District 5 was one of the first school districts in the state to have SRO officers in every school and has hired an Executive Director of Safety and Security to develop safe school plans, intruder drills and to work with SROs in the schools.

2. Test scores fell dramatically in math and reading in nine years olds throughout the US due to schools being shut down for Covid. Anderson School District 5 has a plan in place to work with principals, teachers and students to bridge that gap. 

3. District 5 voted to increase starting salaries for first year teachers and additional salary increases for current teachers to the highest pay scale in all five Anderson Districts and one of the top paying districts in the upstate. If teachers feel appreciated and well compensated, they will continue to teach. 

4. How would you solve differences in your goals/approach working with the superintendent/other board members?   

There will always be differences of opinions between fellow board members and administration but when an issue arises and a final decision is made; everyone needs to be a unified body. Our job is not to force our own agenda through but to work toward the betterment of the district and the students we serve. 

5. Have you ever served on boards/foundations?   

I have served as the Chairman of Anderson Chamber of Commerce Leadership Alumni Association, past Board Member of Junior Leadership Anderson and past Board Member of Junior League of Anderson 

6. What experience/qualifications do you possess which make you an ideal candidate?  

I currently work as Board Liaison for the Anderson Area YMCA and work with dedicated volunteers every day. I am an active volunteer in Anderson School District 5 and the community. 

7. Describe your own education journey and what role education has played in your life.  How do you maintain a commitment to lifelong learning in your own life?   

My parents were both educators in Anderson School District 5 and they instilled in me the importance of an education and lifelong learning. Public education is the backbone of every community. A student’s life can be positively changed through education --- this is what we hope for all students of Anderson District 5.

8. How important is it to maintain competitive teacher salaries and how would you boost morale among teachers?

It is very important to maintain competitive teacher salaries to let teachers know how important they are. 

9. How would you encourage the board to challenge high-achieving students?   

High achieving students in Anderson District 5 have many opportunities to be challenged. The district offers many AP classes and dual enrollment programs at both Tri-County Technical College and Anderson University.

10. Name three things you want voters to know about you as a person. 

I have lived in Anderson, South Carolina the majority of my life and am a proud graduate of Anderson District 5.  I am also a parent of a student in Anderson District 5 and feel I have a pulse on the Anderson community. My reason for serving on the board is to provide the best education possible for all students of Anderson School District 5.

Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (
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