Construction to Reroute Some Downtown Traffic Beginning Tomorrow
Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 7:34AM

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Expect traffic confusing downtown for the next few weeks, as a section of East Whitner beside the historic courthouse is closed beginning Monday for the demolition of a building adjacent to Carolina Wren Park. This portion of the street is expected to reopen no later than Oct. 28.

The building, which officials said is beyond repair will be replaced with a new building and is one of two purchased by Anderson School District Five for administration offices downtown. Rennovation of the other building, the main First Citizens building on the corner of East Whitner and North Main is expected to be completed by Summer 2022. 

The district plans to relocate senior adminstration and the financial services department, which handles such things as payroll and grants into the main building. The new construction will be used for other adminstrative offices.

"We are hoping to move all of our instructional services department downtown into the oldest of the First Citizens buildings," said Assistant Superintendent Kyle Newton. "That would include all of our early childhood and elementary instruction staff, secondary instruction staff, and special education staff.".

Newton said the administration had outgrown the current offices on Pearman Dairy Road, which were built in 1967.  

"Lots of things have changed since 1967, most significantly when it comes to a staffing perspective is special education services, transportation services, and technology," said Newton.

"Moving instrucional services and financial services to a more centralized location downtown is going to allow us to bring our technology department upstairs (now housed in the basement at the current facility on Pearman Dairy Road)," said Newton. "Moving them also allows us to finally give the district's bus drivers a really nice space of their own."

Currently, that division occupies two old trailers in the back parking lot. 

"These moves will allow them space inside of the main building with all of the other staff, which is what they truly deserve," said Newton. "We also plan to do some renovations in the basement to better accommodate the drivers when they are on their break or before/after they complete their routes."

Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (
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