Iva Businessman to Seek County Council Seat
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 7:22PM

Anderson County Councilman Mitchell Cole will have competition for his District 3 seat during the June primary.

Iva businessman Ray Graham will compete for the seat in the Republican primary in June. Graham, owner of Cam's Cafe, hopes to draw more attention to the Iva area.

Former Anderson County Councilman Eddie Moore is also seeking to regain the seat.

No Democrats have announced plans to run for the seat.

Currently no other Anderson County Council seats face opposition. Craig Wooten is seeking the district 1 seat which will be vacated by Francis Crowder, while the other council members currently face no opposition. Yet.

The deadline for filing for elected offices in South Carolina is noon tomorrow.

Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (http://andersonobserver.squarespace.com/).
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