U.S. Eases Travel, Education Restrictions on Cuba
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 12:45PM

The United States on Tuesday eased some restrictions placed on Cuba ahead of President Barack Obama's historic visit to the island country next week.

The U.S. Department of Treasury and Department of Commerce announced the amended restrictions would permit individuals to visit Cuba for "people-to-people educational travel," which will allow Americans to make educational visits to Cuba in tour groups and as individuals. The U.S. embargo against Cuba continues to place a tourism ban.

The changes will allow Cubans to open U.S. bank accounts and permit Cubans living in the United States to earn a salary, also making it easier for dollars to be used by Cubans.

"Today's steps build on the actions of the last 15 months as we continue to break down economic barriers, empower the Cuban people and advance their financial freedoms and chart a new course in U.S.-Cuba relations," Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said in a statement. "Today we are building on this progress by facilitating travel for additional Americans looking to engage with Cubans; allowing Cuban citizens to earn a salary in the United States; and expanding access to the U.S. financial system, as well as trade and commercial opportunities."

Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (http://andersonobserver.squarespace.com/).
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