Museum Secures Grant for New Exhibit
Monday, September 21, 2009 at 4:45PM

Belton- The Anderson County Museum was recently awarded $30,000 in grant money from the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor. The money is for development of a permanent exhibit showcasing the early history of commerce in Anderson County.

A grant for $20,000 was awarded in August from the federally designated heritage area. The Mountain Lakes Regional Advisory Committee, a committee of the SCNHC representing Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties, gave a $10,000 grant from funds that are raised through appropriations from the region's counties.

Visitors to the "Trade Street" exhibit will be immersed into the business history of Anderson County through the eras of growth, which laid the back-bone for modern day business.  The exhibit will showcase artifacts, pictures and display cases from an existing collection.  The grant funds will hire a design firm to design the facade, design and fabricate interpretive panels, and design, construct and install display systems for the exhibit.

Michelle McCollum, president and CEO of the SCNHC, said both the State Partnership Board and the local committee recognized the potential impact of this project. "There is no doubt this type of project builds community pride and stimulates economic growth through tourism." McCollum said, "Through the development of quality interpretation, our communities' diverse history and heritage can be shared with both residents and visitors alike. The Heritage Corridor is proud to partner with the Anderson County Museum on what will be a terrific addition to the site."

The SC National Heritage Corridor federal grants program has awarded over $3.5 million to South Carolina communities since 1999. Grant awards are limited to projects within the Heritage Corridor and require a 50/50 reimbursable cash match. For more information about the SCNHC, please visit

Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (
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