County Vet Helps Law Enforcement Dogs
Monday, August 24, 2009 at 5:19PM

City/County Partnership will benefit animals and save tax dollars

Anderson public safety canines will soon have the opportunity to receive veterinarian care courtesy of new County veterinarian Dr. Kyle Powell. Dr. Powell has agreed to provide medical care and treatment to Anderson County proud canine partners, in addition to her duties as full-time veterinarian at the Animal County Animal Shelter. 

“This is a great partnership,” said Anderson County Environmental Services Director Greg Smith. “Having a full-time veterinarian on staff at the Animal Shelter gives us the opportunity to provide free preventative medical care and treatment to assist our public safety agencies, in addition to caring for the shelter’s population. Medicines and vaccines will be provided to the owners at cost.”

“We are grateful for this assistance,” said Carla King, Technical Rescue Team’s Canine Coordinator. “Providing veterinary care for our dogs will help offset individual team member’s expenses. Our team is comprised of volunteers, who personally assume all the expenses of caring for and training our animals. Healthy dogs perform at the top of their game, making our team more efficient and able to respond when the County needs our services, whether it is searching for a missing person or hunting a fugitive that is evading capture. This demonstrates that Anderson County truly values the services we provide and is committed to equipping us with the tools we need to be successful in our jobs.”

Dr. Powell will care for approximately 10 canines. The newest of which is Belle, Anderson’s City/County Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) dog. Belle was purchased through a federal grant secured to acquire bomb team equipment and support. The City of Anderson owns Belle, who is cared for and handled by County EMS and Special Operations Director Scott Stoller. Scott is also a commissioned law enforcement officer and is a member of Anderson’s EOD Team.

“This is another great example of the city and county working together to protect and serve its citizens,” said Anderson County Councilman Tommy Dunn. “The safety of Anderson County residents is paramount to our mission as county Council members. Anything we can do to enhance the readiness and performance of public safety needs to be a priority. These animals are a vital component of our team and we are happy that we can help support their care, while actively demonstrating our appreciation for our volunteer team members and the sacrifices they make.”

Article originally appeared on The Anderson Observer (
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